Certified LeSS Practitioner
3 days or 24 hours on line
Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) is a framework for scaling agile development to multiple teams. LeSS builds on top of the Scrum principles such as empiricism, cross-functional self-managing teams and provides a framework for applying that at scale. It provides simple structural rules and guidelines on how to adopt Scrum in large product development.
The Certified LeSS Practitioner course is an in-depth course covering the LeSS principles, framework and rules, and guides. It provides essential information for adopting and improving LeSS to your product development group. The course contains an overview of LeSS, stories on LeSS adoptions, exercises and extensive LeSS Q&A to ensure we discuss the topics most of interest to the participants.
This interactive course includes many proven techniques to improve customer collaboration, multi-stakeholder alignment, better team collaboration, large scale retrospectives and a compelling way to facilitate product roadmap co-creation.
The Certified LeSS Practitioner course is for anyone who is involved in a LeSS effort.
The course is taught by Greg Hutchings, founder of Amelior Services. Greg is an expert in scaling Lean and Agile using LeSS; he is the first certified trainer after the creators of LeSS, Craig Larman and Bas Vodde. He is also a CSM, CSPO and CSP with the Scrum Alliance. Greg has 15+ years of experience teaching and coaching large scale agile at many innovative products and services companies around the world, and over 30 years of experience in software product development.
Want to learn more about how you can do more with LeSS ? Join an upcoming session listed on the Events page, or contact me to schedule a private session.
Certified LeSS Executive
2 days or 16 hours on line
Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) is a framework for scaling agile development to multiple teams. LeSS builds on top of the Scrum principles such as empiricism, cross-functional self-managing teams of multi-skilled people, and provides a framework for applying that at scale. It provides simple structural rules and guidelines on how to adopt Scrum in large product development.
What’s a key insight for senior managers to understand about LeSS?
That it is not a practice nor a process. Rather, LeSS implies an organizational design change, which impacts group structures, hierarchy, team formation, roles, positions, processes, and basic policies (such as career path), to create a repurposed and more focussed organization that is flatter, more collaborative and more focused on the rapid delivery of value to customers.
The Certified LeSS for Executives course is an in-depth course covering the (1) LeSS principles, (2) adoption, (3) the role of management, and (4) broadly, what a coach, change agent or senior manager needs to know and do to help. The course includes lots of examples from LeSS adoptions, exercises, and extensive Q&A to ensure that we discuss the topics mostof interest to the participants.
The Certified LeSS for Executives course is for people in coaching, change agent and manager roles that support a LeSS effort. Since a change to LeSS involves both Product Management and R&D (or “business” and “IT”) together, senior representatives of both groups will want to attend, as well as supportive functions such as the head of HR, whose support and understanding of transitions is essential.
This course will be given by Greg Hutchings, Certified LeSS Trainer, and experienced large scale agile and lean transformation guide and coach.
Agile Product leadership
2 days or 16 hours on line
Learn Agile product leadership skills from a highly experienced product leader and product coach. This training requires no prior agile experience on the part of the participant. It is especially recommended for product owners, product managers and strategists, business analysts, program & project managers and scrum masters involved in agile product development, development team members who are especially interested in product management, and as well as for management who are interested in, guide, finance and validate portfolios of products and services.
This course may be taken individually or together as a cohesive group within a product development organization in one or a series of classes, to permit going into depth in the context of a given product or family of products.
Participants in the training will learn how to manage products and product development in an agile way, including new thinking tools, and specific techniques that you need to be successful with agile product development.
Topics include:
Agile, Lean, Scrum, Kanban, Kaizen
Agile Product Leadership: aligning teams and other leaders with customer needs
Agile Product requirements: Product vision, roadmap & backlogs++
Facilitation of better innovation, decision making and team work
Lean Startup
Story Mapping
Serious Games
Shared experience and learning by doing through simulation make this training fun and popular, as well as valuable for you and your team.
“Amelior’s newly redesigned online-first courses have received great feedback:
”Merci beaucoup à toi Greg! Une belle rencontre et 3 journées très riches malgré la distance. Ton expérience et ta posture ont donné encore plus envie de s’investir MORE dans LESS! “
(“Thanks a lot, Greg! A beautiful encounter, and 3 full days despite the distance. Your experience and posture have given (us) even more desire to invest More in LeSS!””
To join a public course please check our current schedule, or contact us to request a public or private training that fits your needs.