Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) is a framework for scaling agile development to multiple teams. gives an overview. LeSS builds on top of the Scrum principles such as empiricism, cross-functional self-managing teams and provides a framework for applying that at scale. It provides simple structural rules and guidelines on how to adopt Scrum in large product development.
The Certified LeSS Practioner course is an in-depth course covering the LeSS principles, framework and rules, and guides. It provides essential information for adopting and improving LeSS to your product development group. The course contains an overview of LeSS, stories on LeSS adoptions, exercises and extensive LeSS Q&A to ensure we discuss the topics most of interest to the participants.
I'm pleased to announce that Ari Tikka, partner at Gosei Oy, and a very knowledgeable LeSS coach and trainer, will join me as co-trainer for this training. Ari and I have had the pleasure of working together on a LeSS adoption at PayU, the leader in online payments, in Bucharest in 2015.
For questions regarding the training, please contact directly, and to register, please visit the website of Mosaic Works, our training partner in Bucharest, at
We hope to see you there!
- Greg and Ari